Perfecting Your Vision
At the Vision Adjustment Center, we specialize in making the adjustments to your Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) by RxSight. Once your surgeon refers you to us, we work with you throughout the process of optimizing your LAL or LAL+.

LAL is a luxury item - A luxury that you will enjoy every waking hour for the rest of your life. There is no other luxury that you will ever enjoy more!
Light Adjustable Lens for Cataracts: An Overview
The Light Adjustable Lens an intraocular lens (IOL) that replaces a natural lens affected by cataracts. However, previous options for IOLs were much less sophisticated. The core difference is that an LAL allows a physician to adjust the lens AFTER it has been placed in the eye, whereas other IOLs cannot be adjusted. Previously, if a lens was not perfect or caused vision problems, the only solution was an additional surgery to replace the entire lens.
Many of the alternative IOLs, including the multifocal lenses, induce significant glare and halos. The light adjustable lens largely avoids this major problem.
Over 20 years were spent developing this technology, and now it is available to patients across the country as a life-changing way to address cataracts.
What Does Adjustment Process Include?
Light adjustment treatments will be performed at the Vision Adjustment Center after your eye has healed from the cataract surgery. We see you about 4 weeks after your surgery for your initial visit. During the session, our specialist will expose the LAL to precise amounts of UV light. The material of the LAL responds to this light exposure, creating adjustments to how light passes through the lens, thus honing your vision. Once your vision is finalized, you will return to your surgeon for a 3-month post-up follow-up.
Light Treatment Schedule
You will receive 1-3 UV light treatments to adjust your vision, followed by two “lock-in treatments” to prevent further changes. These treatments are absolutely painless and are very quick. The adjustments are based on extensive measurements, so you should plan on being at the Vision Adjustment Center for two hours for each visit. Although it is not necessary in all cases, many patients have a driver with them.
Initial Light Treatment
weeks after surgery
Additional Light Treatments
(as desired)
weeks after each prior light treatment
Lock-In Treatments
(two required)
week apart
Light Adjustable Lens FAQs
During each visit, your vision will be measured and fine-tuning changes will be suggested. You will have an opportunity to test the proposed improvements in the office with test glasses. After your approval, your eyes will be dilated. When fully dilated you will receive the adjustment treatment, which can take up to 60 seconds. You will then have an opportunity to test your vision at home for a week to see how it is working for you. The lock-in treatments take approximately 120 seconds.
All patients receive between one and three adjustment treatments and then two “lock-in” treatments.
Adjustments are completely pain-free! Adjustments involve shining an invisible, ultraviolet light Into your eye for 30-120 seconds.
It takes approximately 24 hours in order for the lens inside your eye to fully adjust after the ultraviolet light treatment. During this time, your vision might have a slightly pink tint to it.
The LAL is capable of correcting both far, midrange, and near vision. However, not every patient will achieve far, midrange, and near vision without glasses. We will extensively test your eyes after you have healed from the cataract surgery to determine which adjustments should be made to give you the sharpest and most comfortable vision for you and your lifestyle.
LAL and vision fine-tuning AFTER cataract removal is a luxury item. It involves expensive technology, which is not covered by Medicare or other insurance. For those who can afford it, this is the most advanced method of performing cataract lens replacement surgery, resulting in the clearest vision without the glare and halos that other lens replacements typically cause.
All eyes, even eyes that have never had cataracts, have some degree of glare or halos during nighttime vision. All of the alternative multifocal lenses that simultaneously create distance and near vision have as a side effect increased glare and halos at night. For some people, this can be very bothersome. The LAL creates only minimal glare and halos, similar to that of a simple, distance only lens.